Criminal Solicitation

Under Colorado law, a person can be held criminally liable for an act they merely encouraged another to commit.

A person can be charged with criminal solicitation if they command, induce, or otherwise attempt to persuade another to commit a felony, so long as the individual’s intent to commit the offense can be corroborated.

  • Criminal solicitation to commit a class 1 felony constitutes a class 2 felony.
  • Criminal solicitation to commit a class 2 felony constitutes a class 3 felony.
  • Criminal solicitation to commit a class 3 felony constitutes a class 4 felony.
  • Criminal solicitation to commit a class 4 felony constitutes a class 5 felony.
  • Criminal solicitation to commit a class 5 or 6 felony constitutes a class 6 felony.

If you are convicted, all types of attempt, solicitation and conspiracy charges can negatively impact your life. To give yourself the best possible chance of preserving your freedom and protecting your rights, it is essential that you talk to one of the experienced defense attorneys at Decker & Jones as soon as you are charged or if you believe you may be charged.