In Colorado, burglaries are classified as felonies, meaning that if you charged with this type of crime, you could be facing significant jail time and fines. In Colorado, burglaries can be charged in varying degrees, depending on the severity of the crime.
To protect your rights and give you the best possible chance of minimizing the impact of burglary charges, it is important that you speak with one of the skilled and experienced defense attorneys at Decker & Jones as soon as possible.
1st Degree Burglary
A 1st-degree burglary crime is committed if a person enters or remains in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit a crime once inside, and assaults or menaces any person, or if any burglary participant is armed with explosives or a deadly weapon.
A1st-degree burglary charge can be a class 2 or a class 3 felony.
2nd Degree Burglary
A 2nd-degree burglary crime is committed if a person breaks into, unlawfully enters, or remains unlawfully in a building or occupied structure with intent to commit a crime against another person or property.
A2nd-degree burglary charge can be filed as a class 3 or a class 4 felony.
3rd Degree Burglary
A 3rd-degree burglary crime is committed if a person unlawfully enters or breaks into any vault, safe, cash register, coin vending machine, product dispenser, money depository, safety deposit box, coin telephone, coin box, or other apparatus.
A3rd-degree burglary charge can be filed as a class 4 felony or a class 5 felony.
Possession of Burglary Tools
A person can be charged with possession of burglary tools if they possess an explosive, tool, instrument, or other device that is designed specifically to commit a burglary or commonly used for committing burglary, so long as the individual intends to unlawfully use the tool or tools for such purposes.
Possession of burglary tools is a class 5 felony.
Burglary charges are serious and could have a serious impact on your life if you are convicted. To give yourself the best possible chance of preserving your freedom and protecting your rights, it is essential that you talk to one of the experienced defense attorneys at Decker & Jones as soon as you are charged or if you believe you may be charged with a burglary crime in the near future.
Burglary Crime Statutes
Have you been charged with one of the following? Click the statute numbers for more info. We understand that the wording can be confusing, so feel free to call Decker & Jones today for your complimentary consultation.